Seismic Event Monday August 26, 2019 – rolling updates

Last updated: 23:21 A spokesperson for Cuadrilla confirmed a micro-seismic event was detected at the shale exploration site in Preston New Road, near Blackpool, just before 10.20pm. The event measured 1.0ML on the Richter scale and had very limited ground motion associated with it. She said: “Cuadrilla was not hydraulically fracturing at the time and …

Statement on Saturday’s micro-seismicity

A spokesperson for Cuadrilla today confirmed micro seismicity had been detected at 11.01pm (Saturday 24th) by the highly sophisticated monitoring system in place at the shale gas exploration site in Preston New Road, near Blackpool, Lancashire. She added: “We can confirm that a micro seismic event measuring 2.1ML (local magnitude) on the Richter scale occured …

Statement on Micro Seismicity

A spokesman for Cuadrilla confirmed that micro seismicity had been detected at 8.46pm by the highly sophisticated monitoring system in place at the shale gas exploration site at Preston New Road, near Blackpool, Lancashire.   He added:  “We can confirm that a micro seismic event measuring 1.55ML (local magnitude) on the Richter scale occurred after …