Cuadrilla welcomes revised shale gas resource estimate

Cuadrilla has today welcomed the British Geological Survey’s estimate of the amount of natural gas locked within the shale rock of Lancashire’s Bowland Basin. The substantially increased estimate, arrived at after extensive study of the available data from a number of sources, makes clear the enormous potential of Lancashire’s natural gas resources. Francis Egan, Cuadrilla’s …

Cuadrilla applies for new permit from Environment Agency

Following discussion with the Environment Agency (EA), Cuadrilla has decided to apply to permit its Balcombe exploration site as a mining waste facility under the European Union Mining Waste Directive. The requirements of applying for the new permit will mean a short delay to our planned drilling activity at Balcombe. Cuadrilla remains committed to undertaking …

Cuadrilla appoints Arup to conduct independent Environmental Impact Assessments as part of Lancashire planning applications

Today, Cuadrilla announced the appointment of Arup, the engineering and design consultancy, as independent provider of Environmental Impact Assessments to be conducted as part of planning applications to explore for natural gas from shale in Lancashire. The process will start this summer, and is expected to run into the first quarter of 2014. Arup’s work …

Cuadrilla welcomes Centrica as new investment partner in Lancashire

Centrica plc has today become a 25 per cent investment partner in the Cuadrilla Resources operated Lancashire Bowland shale gas exploration licence area. The ownership of the joint venture before the transaction was 75per cent Cuadrilla and 25 per cent A J Lucas. Francis Egan, Cuadrilla’s CEO, said: “Today’s announcement represents a significant step in …

Cuadrilla announces diagnostic well tests at Banks site

Cuadrilla, the company exploring for natural gas in Lancashire’s Bowland Basin,  plans to submit a modified planning application to Lancashire County Council to carry out a number of different diagnostic well tests on their exploration well at Banks. The tests will not involve hydraulic fracturing, as envisaged in the previously submitted planning application. The diagnostic …